We advise and assist companies to turn ideas into capital
and to use and protect their rights in the field of industrial property.
Near us can find advice on performing applications for the registration mark
and patents, committing changes to previous records, renewal tëmarkave
and maintenance in force of patents, registration of license contracts and the transfer of ownership,
filing the application for international registration of trademark, etc..
Currently Trademark and Patent Office provides services to a number of
Albanian and foreign clients and has in its archive of world-known brands.
Room service offered by our quality, fair and competitive prices.
Objects of industrial property are: patents, utility models, designs
industrial, trade and service marks and geographical indications.
Industrial property protected only by the registered trademarks or other objects.
If a business does not register its product or service, then he has no
no legal means to protect against counterfeiting and unfair competition in the market


Business Registration Registration at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
provides services upon registration at the Chamber of Commerce businesses, preparation and distribution
information requested by the interested parties in connection with the member companies of the Chamber,
equip businesses with a certificate of membership, the device performs consular service with verbal notes,
issue certificates of origin for export products.
Near the office, businesses find complete information about the proper documentation to join,
as well as information on the advantages provided to any entity after becoming a member of the House.

Service of the Chamber for organizing fairs Chamber works diligently and correctly
operational assistance, technical assistance to business and in order to improve the quality of
products and services it offers to its membership.
Services offered by the Chamber are: Promotion in and Albanian business abroad, giving priority
members of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Realization of direct contacts with the business.
Intermediary between business and government institutions.
Cooperation with institutions in the country (Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Finance,
‘Alb’ invest, etc..) To improve the business climate and attracting foreign direct investment.
Creating partnerships between Chamber members and businesses who see the serious foreign
Albania as an attractive place for their capital investments.
Organization or with other forums and business missions,
conferences, workshops, seminars and trainings.
Free services to benefit from membership in DHTI.
By joining the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Elbasan You can get a free package of services in the form
consultancy, assistance and information relevant to your business, which are:
Consulting businesses grievance procedures from tax authorities.
Information on sectoral analysis for the market. Updating of acts
Treatment and secondary legislation and support initiatives for legal problems and regulations.
Conducting proceedings before the NRC for free and  in time, we support
the aktivitit of its management team performs the House as
Meetings / Seminars / Working Parties periodically and “intentional” (unplanned)
civil society representatives to discuss issues related to business.
Periodic survey of opinions of members on issues related to business.
Determination of levels of activity recommended for the President, when addressing political issues and entrepreneurship.
Supports the participation of members in the selection of official positions, committees or working groups.
Periodic collection of demographic information and relevant data concerning the economic situation and business development.
Chamber organizes, coordinates and supports a continuously growing number of activities.
Also collaborates locally with participants as Albanian representative for foreign partners.


Issuing non-preferential certificates of origin for export of Albanian insurance
service “one stop shop” for business registration, payments, certificates etc.
membership taking action series of files and assistance during the application process for
obtaining a passport service taking action series of claims and issuance of “Note Verbale”
(Officially recognized by the diplomatic missions of EU states and
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania) for members who seek to obtain a business visa.
Also diplomatic cooperation with the members
seeking to obtain business visas to visit the fairs / exhibitions or as part of a
visit organized business. Room has a unit dedicated to the organization:
Participation in various Projects which aim to:
Increase the capacity of the House to provide services in the business community improve the business climate
between supporting the development of new policies, laws, procedures and institutional networks
that better reflect the current stage of economic development and trends of development Empowerment
opportunities and business cooperation with regional states Study of conditions for business development
in accordance with territorial development and professional development environment
the provision of certain services in the market Business forums Chamber has set up a business status in the forums.
We arrange local forums with participants, regional and international levels.
We pay much attention to such activities as we learn
from experience that these forums are a useful tool for communication between businesses and building bridges of cooperation.
Fairs and Exhibitions Fair Chamber hosts “Summer Day”.
Also participates with a stand on national and international fairs and exhibitions.
We arrange business services in the activities of other countries, and therefore, the help offered
full members who wish to participate in fairs and exhibitions abroad.
House also invites business missions, in cooperation with Chambers of Commerce and
business support agencies of other countries, in Albania.
Training Room continuously organizes conferences, seminars, working groups, training courses
and other activities for the purpose of business skills training for members of the Chamber and the community.
We also organize the participation of business representatives in seminars and
conferences abroad by providing assistance throughout the process.
Chamber represents the business community nationally, regionally and internationally.
National Level DHTI a member in the Council, committees, commissions, boards, etc.. where processed,
discuss strategies, policies, laws, etc., of economic development.
She is an active participant in the discussion of project / state budget and the main actor in the discussion of the fiscal package.
International Level DHTI has cooperative agreements with rooms and agencies to support
business with different countries of Europe, as .Italy, Turkey, Greece, Slovenia, Romania, Macedonia, etc..
Information DHTI maintains active communication channels with all its members.
Chamber executive unit has certain persons to distribute information,
persons charged with developing and publishing materials of the Public Relations Department.
For more information distributed among the departments or units in order
to maintain constant contact with registered members, potential members and
other partners, on issues related to their field of interest.
Information can be taken individually by appointment on telephone number + 355 (54) 255490,
or e-mail Publications “Business Guide” “List of Exporters in Elbasan”
“Calendar of Fairs and Expositions in the World” “Profile DHTI”  certificates issued
certificates of origin for those products that are intended for export, based on documentation.
Chamber maintains a database for exporting companies.